Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Final Introduction

Greetings I am Marina Gaspar, a student that always had good grades and that is really hard-working. One of my dreams involves entering in an American University, more exactly coursing the Med School. My grades are consequence of my dedication and love to the study of different subjects. All my school life I have being devoting to my goal. As a passion my basic goal is to help people, any way that is possible to me; even if there is nothing to do with my dream profession.
After a summer dedicated to a summer course in California State University of Fullerton I acquired many skills, as how to refer to sources, how to Paraphrase & Summarize, how to synthase sources, and how to analyze arguments. All these skills helped me a lot improving my ability to write, now in the level of an Academic Writing. I also acquired knowledge of the culture and custom of the American life style.
All the knowledge I have acquire my whole life is nothing compared to the ones that I will earn in the rest of my life. But all I have learned in my life is preparing me to gain all the new knowledge that the future is preparing for me.


1 comment:

  1. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

    Academic writing
