Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Final Introduction

Greetings I am Marina Gaspar, a student that always had good grades and that is really hard-working. One of my dreams involves entering in an American University, more exactly coursing the Med School. My grades are consequence of my dedication and love to the study of different subjects. All my school life I have being devoting to my goal. As a passion my basic goal is to help people, any way that is possible to me; even if there is nothing to do with my dream profession.
After a summer dedicated to a summer course in California State University of Fullerton I acquired many skills, as how to refer to sources, how to Paraphrase & Summarize, how to synthase sources, and how to analyze arguments. All these skills helped me a lot improving my ability to write, now in the level of an Academic Writing. I also acquired knowledge of the culture and custom of the American life style.
All the knowledge I have acquire my whole life is nothing compared to the ones that I will earn in the rest of my life. But all I have learned in my life is preparing me to gain all the new knowledge that the future is preparing for me.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Analyzing Arguments

The thesis in the text “The Early Bird Gets the Bad Grade” is that conform the teenagers biological schedule having class 8 a.m. is not productive. As premises the writer uses result of studies that say that according to the teenagers’ schedule they just can sleep around 11 p.m. and should wake up after 8 a.m. because of the hormone melatonin. In my opinion the classes should start later, according to the biological schedule of the teenagers, improving the revenue of the first class.

 The premises are accurate, the arguments are valid, and the conclusion is true in the text. In the argumentation the writer give arguments that support his ideas very well, and his conclusion is really logical. Concluding his argumentation is really persuasive.

Kalish, Nancy (January 14, 2008). The New York Times. The Early Bird Gets the Bad Grade. Retrieved July 11, 2012, from

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Synthesizing Sources

There is a big division of thought involving children and videogames (Walker, 2001; Smith, 2003). Although Walker (2001) is right saying that the violent videogames influences stimulating the violence in the kids’ behavior, according to Smith (2003) the videogames are not the only thing that influences kids’ growth of violence. As well as TV, movies, radio, books, etc. the videogames really incentives the violence, but that’s not the only thing that does. In my opinion the videogames are bad to the kids, but as well as TV, movies, radio, music, etc.; so  the solution is not simply blame the videogames and take them away from the kids, but increase the influences against violence.

Walker, A. (2001). Computer games and adolescent aggression. In N. Peters (Ed.), Research into
the effects of computer games (pp. 108-124). London: St Martin’s Press.

Smith, A. J. (2003). Synthesis. Retrieved October 20, 2008 from The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, The English Language Centre Web site:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Paraphrases & Summaries

Cambodian disease.

                 The death of at least 52 children in Cambodia was attributed to the enterovirus 71 (EV-71) by officials from the World Health Organization and the Cambodian Ministry of Health. This disease affects the hands, the mouth and foot. Usually the symptoms starts as fever, malaise, poor appetite and, sometimes, a sore throat; and it can reach a rash developed on palms of the hands, the soles of they feet, and occasionally on the buttocks or genitalia. Such diseases also affected country as Vietnam and China, but there is no treatment of vaccine for it. A group of professionals are now searching for where that’s from. 


Maugh II, T. H. (2012). Cambodian child deaths linked to hand, foot and mouth disease. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved July 9, 2012, from,0,5784402.story

Referring to Sources - Bibliography

Walker, R. (2000). Frankenfood. Pasadena, CA: Ross Publishers


Greetings, I would like to introduce myself. I always had the dream of coursing an American University and in my dreams I'm always coursing college or I already did it. Since I was three I told all my family that they would be proud of me in the College. I'm applied and I love to learn new things, qualities that make a good student. My goals are going to medicine school and after graduation become a good and well known doctor.